Percy C Crawford obituary

Percy C Crawford Obituary

Shreveport, Louisiana, United States

May 27, 1959 - July 28, 2023

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Percy C Crawford obituary

Percy C Crawford Obituary

May 27, 1959 - Jul 28, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Percy Crawford (May 27, 1959 - July 28, 2023)

Shreveport, Louisiana, United States

We gather here today to mourn the passing of Percy Crawford, a man who lived life to the fullest, leaving behind a legacy of laughter, mishaps, and a trail of unfinished projects. Percy was the embodiment of "if something can go wrong, it will," but he faced every blunder with a resilient grin and the hope that maybe next time, luck would be on his side.

Percy was born on May 27, 1959, when the world wasn't quite ready for his unique brand of chaos. From a young age, he showed signs of being a master of calamity.Percy was always ready to raise eyebrows and make you laugh til you cry.


Percy had a vibrant social life, or so he thought. His idea of a party was going to the boat or make a party out of nothing right where he stand Percy, you really knew how to spice up a gathering!

He cherished the simple things in life; like sharing a laugh with friends, He believed that life was too short to take seriously and that laughter was the best medicine.

As we say goodbye to Percy Crawford, let us remember him not for the chaos he left in his wake, but for the smiles he brought to our faces. In his honor, may we all strive to embrace the unexpected, to laugh when you cant laugh no more.

Rest in peace, dear Percy. May your adventures continue in the great beyond.

You can to the family or in memory of Percy Crawford.


funeral Details:
August 19, 2023
Precious Memories, 4015 Greenwood Rd., Shreveport, Louisiana
Details: Repast location will be annouced



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