Paul  Davis obituary

Paul Davis Obituary

Cleveland, Ohio, United States

January 18, 1950 - August 29, 2023

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Paul  Davis obituary

Paul Davis Obituary

Jan 18, 1950 - Aug 29, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Paul Davis

Born: January 18, 1950

Died: August 29, 2023

Lived in Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Today we mourn the loss of Paul Davis, a man who lived a life filled with laughter and shenanigans. From his birth on January 18, 1950, to his untimely demise on August 29, 2023, Paul embraced every opportunity to bring joy and smiles to those around him.

Paul hailed from the fine city of Cleveland, Ohio, where he forever left his mark on the local comedy scene. Who could forget that time he wore a squirrel costume to a business meeting? Or when he convinced his golf buddies that Bigfoot was his caddy? Paul's quick wit and contagious laughter will forever be remembered.

His mischievous sense of humor was undoubtedly inherited from his beloved mother Ruby. Just like Ruby, Paul had a knack for turning any mundane situation into a hilarious spectacle. Whether he was at the grocery store or a family gathering, you could always count on a good laugh in Paul's presence.

Paul was a loving father to his daughter Alana, who inherited his goofy nature. They shared countless unforgettable memories, like the time they organized a surprise birthday party for Alana's pet goldfish. The fish was less than thrilled, but the laughter that evening was priceless.

Let's not forget Paul's time in the Navy, where he managed to turn even the strictest of commanders into fits of giggles. His pranks on board the ship are the stuff of legend, with stories passed down from sailor to sailor. The Navy may have had rules and regulations, but Paul was the master of finding loopholes in the name of humor.

As we bid farewell to Paul Davis, let's remember the laughter he brought into our lives. His jokes may have been corny, his pranks may have been cheesy, but his impact on our hearts and funny bones is undeniable. Rest in peace, dear friend, and may your legacy of laughter and joy live on forever.

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