Clara  Henson obituary

Clara Henson Obituary

Aberdeen, Ohio, United States

January 31, 1944 - April 11, 2024

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Clara  Henson obituary

Clara Henson Obituary

Jan 31, 1944 - Apr 11, 2024

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Clara Henson passed away on April 11, 2024, at the age of 80, in her home in Aberdeen, Ohio, United States. She was born on January 31, 1944, and lived a full and vibrant life.

Clara was a loving mother to her five children, Melinda Vargas, Cassandra Brewer, and Deanna Aguilar the late Billy Courtney and Christopher Courtney. She also had many adoring grandchildren and great grandchildren who brought her immense joy throughout her life.

Clara was a dedicated homemaker, finding joy in creating a warm and welcoming environment for her family. She possessed a natural talent for cooking and baking, delighting her loved ones with delicious meals and treats. Her home was always filled with love, laughter, and the mouth-watering aroma of her cooking.

Aside from caring for her family, Clara had a few hobbies that brought her joy. She loved gardening and spent many hours tending to her flowers and vegetables. She found solace in the beauty of nature and took great pride in her garden's abundance.

Clara was known for her generous and kind-hearted nature. She was always willing to lend a helping hand and offer a listening ear to those in need. Her compassion and empathy touched the lives of many, leaving a lasting impact on all who knew her.

Clara will be deeply missed by her family and friends, who will forever hold her memory close to their hearts. Her legacy of love, kindness, and warmth will continue to inspire all who were fortunate enough to have known her.

May Clara Henson rest in peace, knowing she was loved and cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Funeral services will be on Saturday April 13, 2024, from 12 PM to 2 PM at Thompson Funeral home in Hillsboro, Ohio.

You can to the family or in memory of Clara Henson.



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