Trey  Hawley  obituary

Trey Hawley Obituary

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

November 20, 2010 - August 24, 2023

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Trey  Hawley  obituary

Trey Hawley Obituary

Nov 20, 2010 - Aug 24, 2023

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In loving memory of Trey HawleyNovember 20, 2010 - August 24, 2023It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved Trey Hawley, of Raleigh, North Carolina. Although his time with us was far too short, Trey leaves behind a legacy of joy, laughter, and an unforgettable zest for life.Trey was brought into this world on November 20, 2010, and immediately began to make an impact on those around him with his infectious smile and mischievous charm. From his very first steps, he proved to be an adventurer, always ready to explore the world with an endless curiosity.With his boundless energy and enthusiasm, Trey was a constant source of laughter and happiness for his family and friends. Whether he was playing pranks on his siblings or coming up with imaginative stories, he had an uncanny ability to brighten any room he entered.Trey had an insatiable appetite for all things sweet, and his love for ice cream was unparalleled. His favorite pastime was trying out different flavors and concocting peculiar combinations that would make even the most seasoned dessert connoisseurs raise an eyebrow.Aside from his sweet tooth, Trey had an immense passion for music. His tiny body would come alive with dance moves that defied gravity whenever his favorite tunes played. He had an extraordinary ability to create harmony from chaos and rhythm from silence.His charm and charisma were not limited to his personal life alone. Trey was an unstoppable force of positivity in his community, always eager to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it was raising funds for local charities or organizing activities for his neighborhood, he was a true inspiration.Trey's legacy will live on through the memories he created and the love he shared. It is a reminder to us all to live each day with the same exuberance and infectious joy that he brought into our lives. We will forever cherish the time we had with him and carry his spirit in our hearts.In honor of Trey, his family kindly requests that you celebrate his life and spread happiness, just as he did, with a random act of kindness. Let us all strive to make the world a little brighter, one smile at a time.Rest in sweetest peace, our dear Trey Hawley. You will forever be cherished, loved, and greatly missed.

On October 14 we will have a close family funeral and on October 15 we will have an all family and friend funeral

You can to the family or in memory of Trey Hawley .


Memorial, Funeral Details:
11:00 am
October 14, 2024
CHESTNUT GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH CREEDMOOR RD., .11912 Old Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27613, Raleigh, NC



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