Thomas “Tommy Gun” Moore obituary

Thomas “Tommy Gun” Moore Obituary

Oakland, California, United States

May 14, 2001 - July 07, 2023

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Thomas “Tommy Gun” Moore obituary

Thomas “Tommy Gun” Moore Obituary

May 14, 2001 - Jul 07, 2023

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4499 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611

Thomas Moore

05/14/2001 - 07/07/2023

Thomas Moore, a resident of Oakland, California, United States, passed away on 07/07/2023 at the age of 22. He was the beloved son of Terry Moore and Aisha Moore. Thomas was born on 05/14/2001, bringing immense joy and happiness into the lives of his parents.

Despite his young age, Thomas had a remarkable impact on those around him. Known for his kind heart and gentle spirit, he touched the lives of many with his infectious laughter and genuine compassion. Always one to lend a helping hand, he sought to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Thomas was a dedicated student throughout his academic journey. Passionate about learning, his insatiable curiosity pushed him to explore various subjects, always seeking knowledge and understanding. He demonstrated exceptional intelligence and persistence, and his desire for growth was truly inspiring.

During his free time, Thomas had a deep appreciation for the arts. He loved painting, finding solace and creative expression in his artwork. Thomas possessed a unique talent, and his paintings beautifully captured his emotions and thoughts, leaving a lasting impression on those who admired his work.

Aside from his artistic endeavors, Thomas had a love for nature. He enjoyed spending time outdoors, going on hikes and immersing himself in the beauty of the natural world. His connection with nature brought him peace and tranquility, allowing him to find solace amidst the busyness of life.

Thomas was a loving son and supportive friend. His compassionate nature and unwavering loyalty endeared him to many. He had a profound impact on those fortunate enough to have known him, always offering a listening ear, a helping hand, and a warm smile that could brighten even the darkest of days.

Thomas leaves behind a legacy of love, kindness, and perseverance. While his time with us was tragically cut short, his memory will live on in the hearts of those who crossed his path. He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all who were touched by his genuine spirit.

Rest in peace, Thomas Moore. May your soul find eternal peace, and your light continue to shine upon us.

You can to the family or in memory of Thomas Moore.



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