Steven Robert Coon obituary

Steven Robert Coon Obituary

Buffalo, New York, United States

January 01, 1950 - August 21, 2023

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Steven Robert Coon obituary

Steven Robert Coon Obituary

Jan 01, 1950 - Aug 21, 2023

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A life well lived

In the charming city of Buffalo, New York, there lived a man named Steven Coon. He was a pillar of the community, known for his kindness, wisdom, and the impact he had on everyone around him. On August 21, 2023, at the age of 73, Steven peacefully departed, leaving behind a legacy that would forever be etched into the hearts of those who knew him.

Born on a crisp winter day, January 8, many years ago, Steven entered the world with a determination and warmth that would define his life. From a young age, he exhibited a sense of responsibility beyond his years, caring for those around him as if they were his own family. Little did he know that his path would lead him to a family of his own choosing—one built on love, compassion, and the unbreakable bonds of adoption.

In his adulthood, Steven's heart and home expanded to welcome four incredible children into his life. Although not born of his blood, Blake, Leon, Kris, and Sarah Benner were the lights of his life. Steven and his late wife, Christa, had embraced parenthood with open arms, making a conscious decision to provide a loving home for children who needed it most.

Kris, the eldest of the adopted children, inherited Steven's passion for music. They spent countless hours playing tunes on their guitars and sharing stories of their favorite artists. Leon was an inquisitive soul, always ready with a question that sparked thought-provoking discussions. Blake, with an affinity for sports, found a mentor in Steven who coached him in Football, Baseball, and Wrestling, teaching him not only the rules of the game but the values of teamwork and perseverance. Sarah, the youngest, was an artist at heart, and Steven was her biggest fan, proudly displaying her paintings throughout their home.

Steven's influence extended beyond his immediate family. He was an active member of his community, dedicating his time to various charitable organizations. His wisdom was sought after by both the young and old, making him a beloved figure amongst his neighbors and friends. Steven's warm smile and genuine interest in others were enough to turn strangers into friends, and friends into lifelong companions.

As the years passed, Steven and his family faced challenges and triumphs together. Each trial was met with strength, and every victory was celebrated with boundless joy. The Coon household was a place of laughter, love, and unwavering support—a testament to the remarkable man who had built it.

On August 21, 2023, as the sun set over Buffalo, New York, Steven Coon peacefully transitioned from this world. The news of his passing was met with an outpouring of grief, but also a profound sense of gratitude for having known such an extraordinary individual. The legacy Steven left behind was not just the story of a life well-lived, but the embodiment of a life filled with purpose, love, and the power of family—both chosen and blood.

The lessons he imparted, the memories he created, and the love he shared continued to ripple through the lives of his children, grandchildren, and all those who had been fortunate enough to cross his path. As time marched forward, the city of Buffalo never forgot the man who had touched so many hearts. Steven Coon's legacy endured, a reminder that the impact of a single life could stretch far beyond the boundaries of time.

You can to the family or in memory of Steven Coon.


Burial, Memorial & Funeral Details:
August 24, 2023
Mickey Sunset Funeral Home, 1879 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
Details: Please Park In Back



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