Rose   Maxson obituary

Rose Maxson Obituary

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

October 02, 1914 - February 14, 1996

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Rose   Maxson obituary

Rose Maxson Obituary

Oct 02, 1914 - Feb 14, 1996

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A Life Well Lived

It is with a heavy heart that we announce on November 14th, 1996, the passing of Rose Maxson. Throughout her 82 years on this earth, Rose has made a lasting impact on everyone blessed with the opportunity to have known her. She was a beloved member of the community known for her caring heart, good nature, and eternal kindness. Rose went above and beyond to care for those around her no matter the obstacles in her path. She embodied an unmatched hope and optimism for the future.

Born on October 2nd, 1914, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Rose embraced all of life’s challenges. Raised by a single mother she learned the meaning of hard work from a young age. When she met Troy Maxson at 24 years old, she fell deeply in love with his tenacious spirit and hardy nature. They married soon after in 1939. Together with her husband, she built a home, welcoming their first child Cory Maxson in 1940. She supported and loved her stepson Lyons as though he were her own. Later welcoming her stepdaughter Raynell with open arms despite the challenges presented by her birth. She was a devoted mother to all three of her children no matter how they came into her home. Rose possessed a unique ability for forgiveness that often baffled and amazed those around her. She valued the bonds of family, holding a close relationship with her brother-in-law, Gabriel until his passing in 1972. She had a remarkable ability to bring light into her family’s lives. They recall her home being one of love and laughter.

Although her marriage fell upon hard times, she remained steadfastly married to Troy despite his infidelity. Rose was deeply saddened by his passing in 1965 and turned to caring for her family and community as a way of honoring his memory. Rose dedicated herself to various causes working tirelessly volunteering her time in the community soup kitchen ensuring no one went hungry. Rose loved to share her cooking with others, especially her baked goods, which were a constant presence at every church function. She was an avid member of her church, passionately dedicated to the word of God. Rose never missed Sunday service and volunteered countless hours in ministry. Rose led women’s bible study and frequently spent time setting up for services. During holidays she delivered meals to needy families and led the donation to collect gifts for children whose families could not afford them. She was a proud, outspoken supporter of the military, and went out of her way on many occasions to support displaced veterans. Countless members of the community owe Rose a debt of gratitude for the difference she has made in their lives. Her love for humanity was unparalleled.

After the death of her husband, Rose transitioned from homemaker to working in the elementary school cafeteria to keep her family afloat, finding joy in helping to shape the lives of children. Former students remember her most for her words of encouragement, never allowing a child to go hungry. She was especially grateful that this position allowed her to spend more time in the lives of her grandchildren while they attended school.

 She viewed her daughter and son-in-law as an extension of her own children, insisting that they were always welcome in her home. Rose cultivated a safe and loving space for her family to come together, never missing out on a birthday, anniversary, or holiday. She hosted every Sunday dinner until her passing, insistent that family was to always come first. Her family marveled at Rose’s ability to bring people together in times of peace and hardship. They will forever cherish the memories cultivated there.

Rose was predeceased by her mother, brother-in-law Gabriel, and husband Troy. She is survived by her three children and five beloved grandchildren.

Rose Maxon passed away peacefully in her home due to natural causes surrounded by loved ones comforting her in her final moments. She leaves a legacy of dedication, love, and compassion. Her spirit lives on in the hearts of all those she touched with kindness. Although we mourn her departure from this world, we know she is smiling down on us from beyond the pearly gates. Finally reunited with the family who passed before her. At peace with the difference, she has made here on earth.

Rest in peace dear rose. You will be forever missed.

In her memory, it has been requested by the family in lieu of flowers that donations be made to the community soup kitchen, veterans association, and church in honor of her life.


You can to the family or in memory of Rose Maxson.



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