Richard Anthony  Shabazz obituary

Richard Anthony Shabazz Obituary

Bronx, New York, United States

December 22, 1950 - July 04, 2023

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Richard Anthony  Shabazz obituary

Richard Anthony Shabazz Obituary

Dec 22, 1950 - Jul 04, 2023

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Richard Shabazz, 72, of Bronx, New York, passed on July 04, 2023. Richard was born on December 22, 1950.

Richard was a devoted father to his three children, Daffiny, Tishara, and Tuereon. His unwavering love and support shaped their lives, providing them with the foundation to become the exceptional individuals they are today. Richard took great pride in his children's accomplishments and was always there to celebrate their joys and offer guidance during their challenges. His role as a father was not just limited to his own children; he also embraced his nieces and nephews as if they were his own, providing them with the same love and care he bestowed upon his immediate family.

In addition to his role as a father, Richard reveled in the joy of being a grandfather. His many grandchildren brought immense happiness to his life, and he cherished every moment spent with them. He was a source of wisdom, guidance, and unconditional love for each of them. Richard's legacy will continue to live on through his grandchildren, as they carry forward the lessons he taught and the values he instilled in them.

Richard was a respected elder within his community, earning the admiration and reverence of all those who knew him. His wisdom, gained through a life well-lived, was sought after by many. He possessed a rare combination of humility, kindness, and an unwavering sense of justice, making him a trusted advisor and confidant to both family and friends. Richard's presence commanded respect, and his words carried great weight. He lived his life as an example of integrity and fairness, leaving an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Beyond his family, Richard had a deep passion for basketball, a sport that brought him immense joy throughout his life. Whether he was cheering on his favorite team, shooting hoops with friends, or coaching his children, his love for the game was undeniable. Richard's enthusiasm and dedication to basketball were contagious, leaving a lasting impression on those who shared in his passion.

Richard's most treasured companion in life was his beloved wife, Vesta Shabazz. Their bond was one of unwavering love, support, and mutual respect. Together, they weathered life's storms, shared countless cherished memories, and built a strong foundation for their family. Richard and Vesta's love was an inspiration to all who knew them, serving as a testament to the power of a deep and enduring connection.

Richard Shabazz will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of crossing paths with him. His legacy of love, compassion, and wisdom will continue to resonate through the lives he touched. As we mourn his passing, let us also celebrate the incredible person he was and honor his memory by embracing the values he held dear. Richard's spirit will forever remain in our hearts, reminding us to be kind, just, and to treasure the relationships we hold dear.

Funeral arrangements will be shared with family and friends emailed by evite services.

You can to the family or in memory of Richard Shabazz.


Celebration Of Life Details:
July 14, 2023
Freedom Church , 51 Colonial Way, Rising Sun, MD
Celebration Of Life Details:
July 14, 2023
Freedom Church , 51 Colonial Way, Rising Sun, MD
Celebration Of Life Details:
July 14, 2023
Freedom Church , 51 Colonial Way, Rising Sun, MD



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