Pat  Ellton obituary

Pat Ellton Obituary

San Diego, California, United States

February 17, 1950 - November 15, 2023

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Pat  Ellton obituary

Pat Ellton Obituary

Feb 17, 1950 - Nov 15, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

In loving memory of Pat Ellton

Pat Ellton, an extraordinary soul, left this world on November 15, 2023, at the age of 73, in their cherished hometown of San Diego, California. Born on February 17, 1950, Pat's life was a remarkable journey filled with countless adventures and heartwarming moments.

Pat, known for their infectious laughter and undeniable zest for life, touched the hearts of everyone they encountered. Their playful spirit was a constant source of joy, and their ability to find humor in any situation was truly a gift.

One could often find Pat immersed in the beauty of nature, as they had an insatiable love for gardening. Their backyard was a whimsical oasis, blooming with vibrant flowers and a variety of unique plants. Pat's green thumb was legendary, and they were always delighted to share gardening tips with anyone who would listen.

An avid traveler, Pat had a profound wanderlust that couldn't be tamed. They ventured far and wide, exploring every corner of the globe, and collecting stories along the way. Pat's travel tales were legendary, and their storytelling skills made every dinner party a memorable event.

Aside from their adventures, Pat was a devoted friend. They possessed an uncanny ability to make others feel heard and valued, always offering a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to lean on. Their genuine compassion and unwavering support uplifted countless lives, leaving an indelible impact.

Remebering her family

Deseree Ellton

Jason Ellton

Jaeden Ellton

Desi Ellton

Zaria Haywood

Clifford Haywood

Tavares white

Brittany Vanzant

Jaelene Ellton

Jaelani Ellton

You can to the family or in memory of Pat Ellton.


Funeral Details:
10:00 am
December 02, 2023
San Diego Funeral Services , 6334 University Ave, California



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