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obituary photo for Ida

Ida Mollie Kaplan

Nov 14, 1916 - Aug 25, 2015
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Charles

Charles Roberts

Mar 26, 1926 - Feb 01, 2016
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Norma

Norma Bonn

Dec 01, 2016 - Nov 01, 2016
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Mary

Mary Cross

Nov 01, 2016 - Apr 01, 2014
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Robert

Robert Patty

Jun 16, 1919 - Jul 03, 2013
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Mary

Mary C. Cary

Sep 20, 1921 - Jan 07, 2017
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Raymond

Raymond E. Schrab

May 18, 1924 - Jan 25, 2017
Cary, Wisconsin
United States
obituary photo for Shirley

Shirley M. Zeutzius

Nov 18, 1933 - Feb 21, 2017
Cary, Wisconsin
United States