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obituary photo for Leo

Leo Velnera Anderson

Nov 27, 2001 - Oct 15, 2023
Fargo, North Dakota
United States
obituary photo for Richard

Richard Allen Roat

Feb 06, 1969 - Aug 01, 2023
Fargo, North Dakota
United States
obituary photo for Jessica

Jessica Cassandra Lynn Birchfield

May 19, 1999 - May 21, 2023
Fargo, North Dakota
United States
obituary photo for Janice

Janice Janae Lawrence

Sep 16, 1970 - Feb 15, 2022
Fargo, North Dakota
United States
obituary photo for Jane

Jane Chance Remz

Mar 14, 1950 - Apr 23, 2021
Fargo, North Dakota
United States
obituary photo for Greg

Greg Lynn Reed

Jan 22, 1952 - Mar 29, 2019
Fargo, North Dakota
United States