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obituary photo for Johanna

Johanna D. Stanton

Jan 21, 1911 - Jan 29, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States
obituary photo for Louise

Louise Dolph

Jan 02, 1921 - May 09, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States
obituary photo for Lillian

Lillian Clara VanSyckle

Mar 25, 1921 - Jun 18, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States
obituary photo for Richard

Richard C. DePond

Mar 11, 1926 - Jul 12, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States
obituary photo for Kevin

Kevin Douglas Wing

May 11, 1957 - Aug 14, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States
obituary photo for Phillip

Phillip Robert Farley

Jul 14, 1953 - Oct 18, 2017
bellevue, Michigan
United States