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obituary photo for Vince

Vince Gropp

Oct 10, 1964 - Aug 20, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Pearl

Pearl Weinhold

Jun 16, 1923 - Jul 16, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Donna

Donna Ackerman-Thiele

Dec 01, 2016 - May 25, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Evelyn

Evelyn Stutler

May 28, 1923 - Oct 24, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Everett

Everett Leatherman

Nov 21, 1924 - Jan 06, 2015
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Phyllis

Phyllis Hutchins

Mar 06, 1932 - Jan 22, 2014
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Everett

Everett B. Myers

Mar 12, 1923 - Oct 27, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Robert

Robert Froehlich

Oct 10, 1935 - Nov 18, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Helen

Helen Cardinal

Dec 14, 1929 - Nov 27, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Everett

Everett Lee Young

Apr 19, 1924 - Dec 13, 2016
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Charles

Charles Freed

Apr 01, 1928 - Jan 30, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Tom

Tom L. Huff

Jul 05, 1955 - Jan 04, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for James

James Kenneth Currens

Jun 11, 1939 - Jan 30, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Melvin

Melvin George Bell

May 15, 1929 - Mar 01, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Harry

Harry W. Hernly

Jan 05, 1927 - Jan 19, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States
obituary photo for Mary

Mary Ellen Word

Sep 28, 1929 - Apr 20, 2017
Everett, Indiana
United States