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obituary photo for Gladys

Gladys Banks

Jan 01, 1950 - Aug 20, 2022
Acworth, Georgia
United States
obituary photo for Jacob

Jacob Frantic

Nov 20, 1990 - Nov 28, 2021
Acworth, Georgia
United States
obituary photo for Annie

Annie M James

Dec 13, 1941 - Mar 02, 2021
Acworth, Georgia
United States
obituary photo for Annie

Annie M James

Dec 13, 1941 - Mar 02, 2021
Acworth, Georgia
United States
obituary photo for John

John Leonard Selden Jr.

Aug 13, 1939 - Jul 01, 2020
Acworth, Georgia
United States
obituary photo for Hubert

Hubert Furr

Mar 21, 1950 - Jun 09, 2017
Acworth, Georgia
United States