Maria De Los Angeles Licea obituary

Maria De Los Angeles Licea Obituary

San Jose, California, United States

January 01, 1950 - August 31, 2023

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Maria De Los Angeles Licea obituary

Maria De Los Angeles Licea Obituary

Jan 01, 1950 - Aug 31, 2023

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God mercifully called upon our dear mother, Maria De Los Angeles Licea to rest on September the 18th 2023, at the age of 84. She was born and raised in her beloved city of Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico.

With the help of our father, our mother raised us in a strict and Catholic home. Looking back, we can truly appreciate the countless acts of devotion and sacrifices she made for us.

She gave up her country, people, and family so that her children, as second-generation Mexicans, could progress in a place that was very foreign to her. Along with the importance of assimilation, she also enforced the importance of religion, culture, and language.

She was very social and loved helping others.

With the help of Sister Conchita, Sister Sandra, Sister Catalina, Father Juan, and Most Holy Trinity church, she opened up our home for afterschool catechism.

As we grew and attended different schools, she donated her time doing whatever she could, from making piñatas at Hubbard preschool, to selling office supplies on “return to school for parents’ day” at Most Holy Trinity and helping at the concessions stand for football games at Overfelt High School.

For many consecutive years, she also organized neighborhood procession and lead rosaries in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as well as Posadas. (Posadas are processions made in December to mark Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn on the night of Jesus’s birth.)

Per her oldest son’s wishes she enrolled him in the neighborhood Cub Scout troop. Seeing the value in Scouts, she encouraged us to progress through the ranks. Years later, she was very proud to have all three of her boys reach the rank of Eagle Scout. Before her passing, she had the joy of being informed by her grandson, that he as well, had reached the rank of Eagle Scout. 

Although mobility became an issue in her later years, she did what she could to support and encourage her grandchildren to progress in school and their activities by attending many mariachi performances, school achievements, and soccer matches. All the while, she did her best to instill the same family values, tradition, language and religion in which we grew up with, to her grandchildren.   

Most of her past bible study friends have passed away, but up to recently she aways found time to pray the rosary a couple of times a day. It was common for her to encourage those who happen to be present when the time came to pray, to participate by handing out rosaries. 

We thank God that he gave us such a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. We will attempt to live by her examples and by doing so, we hope and pray to maintain a loving and close-knit family that is first and foremost under God, and respectful of tradition, of our ourselves and of others.    

Maria De Los Angeles Licea is predeceased by her: loving husband, Jesus Padron Licea, brother Javier Rizo, father J. Guadalupe Rizo and mother Felisa Rizo de Preciado.

She is survived by her children: Jose R. Licea, Julio G. Licea and Jesus A. Licea; 4 grandchildren: Amelie, Simon, Ava and Olivia; daughter in law: Sonya Navarro Licea and Sandy Ramirez Licea; and many family members in Mexico, and in the United States.

A funeral service will be held in her honor.

Rosary @ Chapel of Flowers:  

Wednesday, 9/6/23

Doors open to public at 5:00 - 5:30 PM

Fr. Roberto will start the service at 5:30 PM

Mass @ St. John Vianney: Thursday, 9/7/23 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Burial @ Oak Hill Cemetery: Thursday, 9/7/23 - 1:30 PM

Chapel of Flowers

900 S Second St, San Jose, CA 95112

Saint John Vianney

4600 Hyland Ave, San Jose, CA 95127

Oak Hill Funeral Home & Memorial Park

300 Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95125

You can to the family or in memory of Maria Licea.



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