Kenneth James  Hudson  obituary

Kenneth James Hudson Obituary

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

September 13, 1955 - October 23, 2023

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Kenneth James  Hudson  obituary

Kenneth James Hudson Obituary

Sep 13, 1955 - Oct 23, 2023

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Remember me, for I will live on

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Kenneth Lucas, born on September 13, 1955, bid farewell to the world on October 23, 2023, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States. In his lifetime, Kenneth brought joy and laughter to the lives of many.

Kenneth was blessed with eight children: Chaquara(Peter), Amber, Ashley, Charles, Shanika(Mikel), Casha, Kenneth Jr(Erica), and Daija. Through his love and guidance, he instilled in each of them values that will continue to shape their lives for years to come.

Kenneth treasured the moments spent with his nine grandchildren, whose joy brought him immense happiness. He loved watching them grow, and his legacy will forever live on in their hearts.

Educated at Wyoming Park High School, Kenneth embarked on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Graduating in 1953, he carried his newfound knowledge into the world, ready to make an impact.

For many years, Kenneth worked diligently at Edwin Allen Homes. Through his dedication, he positively influenced countless lives and left a lasting impression on both colleagues and clients.

Kenneth faced the challenge of cancer with unwavering strength and resilience. His unwavering spirit and determination served as a testament to his character. He fought bravely until the very end, always maintaining his sense of humor and bringing smiles to the faces of those around him.

While we mourn his loss, let us also celebrate Kenneth's life, which was filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. His legacy as a devoted father, grandfather, and friend will forever remain in our hearts. As we bid him farewell, may we remember him for the joy he brought us and the lessons he taught us.

You can to the family or in memory of Kenneth Hudson .


Funeral Details:
November 03, 2023
Browns Funeral Home, 627 Jefferson Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI



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