Jatonya Nicole Thompson-Jones obituary

Jatonya Nicole Thompson-Jones Obituary

Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States

March 05, 1999 - November 10, 2023

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Jatonya Nicole Thompson-Jones obituary

Jatonya Nicole Thompson-Jones Obituary

Mar 05, 1999 - Nov 10, 2023

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On November 10, 2023, the world bid farewell to a remarkable soul. Jatonya Thompson-Jones, born on March 5, 1999, Atlantic City Medical Center in Fayetteville, Atlantic City New Jersey , United States, left an indelible mark on everyone who had the privilege of crossing her path.

Jatonya, the beloved daughter of Rasheed Brown and Jaynise Jones, carried within her the strength and resilience inherited from her remarkable lineage. Her vibrant spirit and unwavering determination shaped her into the woman she became – a force to be reckoned with.

Throughout her life, Jatonya shared her journey with her cherished partner, Lancelot Holloman, who stood by her side through thick and thin. Together, they embraced the challenges and celebrated the joys that life bestowed upon them.

Jatonya's greatest joys were her children, Souhayla and Sanaria. Souhayla, the eldest, at the tender age of five, constantly amazed her mother with her inquisitive mind and boundless creativity. Sanaria, at just two years old, was a ray of sunshine, illuminating Jatonya's life with laughter and joy. Jatonya's legacy lives on through her incredible daughters, who embody the love, strength, and courage she imparted upon them. Jatonya also leaves to cherish her 5 siblings Jaquan Jones, Angela Jones, Treasure Jones,Zahmir Jones, Ajana Douglas.Shalaya Brown,Ch[oe King,Rashid Brown JR, Rashad Brown,Nya Brown,Rahmir Brown and a host of,nieces,nepwhews, aunts uncles,cousins'family and friends

Close to her heart was her almamater, 71st High School, where Jatonya cultivated lifelong relationships and nurtured her insatiable thirst for knowledge. The bonds she formed during her time there never wavered and remained steadfast throughout her life.

Professionally, Jatonya dedicated herself as a homemaker. Her love and devotion knew no bounds, as she poured her heart and soul into creating a loving, nurturing home for her family. Her warm embrace and compassionate spirit made her house a haven for her loved ones.

Jatonya Thompson-Jones was more than just a woman; she was a beacon of light in an often dark world. Her unwavering kindness, infectious laughter, and empathetic soul touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving an everlasting impact.

As we mourn the loss of this extraordinary individual, let us remember Jatonya for the beauty she brought into our lives. May her memory inspire us to spread love, embrace compassion, and cherish every moment we have with those we hold dear.

Farewell, dear Jatonya. You will forever hold a cherished place in our hearts.

You can to the family or in memory of Jatonya Thompson-Jones.


Janaazah and Burial Details:
10:30 Am
November 14, 2023
Muslim Cemetery, 20662 NC Hwy 24 27 , Cameron N.C



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