Henry  Toreno Sr obituary

Henry Toreno Sr Obituary

Stockton, California, United States

January 01, 1930 - October 14, 2023

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Henry  Toreno Sr obituary

Henry Toreno Sr Obituary

Jan 01, 1930 - Oct 14, 2023

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Smile for us up there, Lolo

Henry Toreno Sr

Born: 01/01/1930

Died: 10/14/2023

Location: Stockton, California, United States

Parents: Henry and Cecilia Toreno

Spouse: Susana Toreno (married in 1955)

Children: Nonoy with spouse Isabella, Enrique with spouse Josefina, Toto with spouse Helena, Milagrosa with spouse George, Jessabel with spouse Tirso, Alberto with spouse Loisa, and Mariel with spouse Eric

Grandchildren: 9 beloved grandchildren

Education: Siquijor High School (Class of 1937)

Occupation: Former worker at the Hawaii Port

Cause of Death: Alzheimer's

Henry Toreno Sr. has gracefully left the building, but he'll forever be remembered for his larger-than-life personality and unforgettable quirks. His life was truly an adventure, filled with laughter, love, and more than a few questionable fashion choices.

Born in 1930, Henry quickly made his mark on the world. From the very beginning, it was clear that he had inherited his father's charming wit and his mother's incredible cooking skills. The combination made him the life of every party and the first person you'd want to invite to a potluck.

Henry met the love of his life, Susana, in 1955, sealing their love with a marriage that would withstand the test of time and countless questionable jokes. Together, they built a beautiful family that could rival the cast of a sitcom. Their seven children can testify to the fact that their dad had enough jokes to last a lifetime. Ironically, not all of them were funny, but they still managed to bring a smile to everyone's faces.

As a proud grandparent, Henry had mastered the art of spoiling his nine grandchildren. With endless love and homemade baked goods, he ensured that each one of them would remember him fondly. Well, except for that time he "accidentally" mixed up the sugar and salt in his famous chocolate chip cookies. We all learned a valuable lesson about the importance of finishing homework before indulging in dessert!

Henry's professional life was just as colorful. Working at the Hawaii Port, he developed a talent for amusing his colleagues during long shifts by transforming mundane tasks into an opportunity for comedy. His ability to turn any workday into a laugh-fest undoubtedly made him the most popular guy at the port.

Despite his many achievements, Henry faced his biggest challenge in later life. Alzheimer's may have stolen his memories, but it could never touch the love and affection his family felt for him. Even in the midst of hardship, he remained a beacon of warmth and kindness, spreading joy to all those around him.

So, as we bid farewell to Henry Toreno Sr., let's remember him as the ultimate jokester, the loving patriarch, and the man who always found the lighter side of life. If there's a cloud up there, you can be sure he's making everyone laugh. Rest in peace, Henry, and save a spot at the table for us.

You can to the family or in memory of Henry Toreno Sr.


Funeral Details:
October 16, 2023
Stockton, 1952 S B St, Stockton



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