Fred null Korte obituary

Fred Korte Obituary

Sacramento, New Mexico, United States

November 01, 2016 - February 01, 2016

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Fred null Korte obituary

Fred Korte Obituary

Nov 01, 2016 - Feb 01, 2016

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On July 1, 2013 Fred Korte was laid to rest at the National Cemetery in Santa Fe. He was buried next to his beloved wife of 42 years Amada "Amy" Ortega. He married her Dec. 6, 1942. She died in 1985. Mr. Korte was a veteran of World War II soldier serving in the US Army Air Corp in Alaska. He was born on Nov. 7, 1915.Mr. Korte remembered coming with his father and mother on a wagon loaded with produced to be sold in Las Vegas. The trip involved an overnight camping on the way to Las Vegas. As a young man and prior to WWII he worked for Monsimer Bakery. He received a letter of recommendation for his good work. After the war he became an electroencephalogram (EEG) technician at the New Mexico State Hospital in Las Vegas. Via home study courses and other training he achieved a certificate in setting up and producing an electro cardio graph (EKG). Needless to say he was a valued employee. He indulged his passion for playing his accordion. He said at one time that he had mastered more than 300 songs eventually recording a DVD of his music. He played often at the Senior Center and other invited venues. He enjoyed a good game of pool with his numerous friends at the center. He had a garden in his Montezuma home in which he produced massive pumpkins and as he said at the time were "the result of special seeds, the right amount of water and talking to the pumpkins a little every day." Fred and Amy Korte enjoyed visiting his friends, many compadres as they served as god parents to many children of acquaintances. He was an amiable man, fun loving and well-liked by many people. He is survived by his brother-in-law, Eulogio Ortega and sister-in-law Enedine Korte. He is the last of the sons and daughters of Edwardo and Marina Mares Korte. His brother Paul died in 1936, John Frederick born 1913, Henry 1977, John C. 1986, sisters, Katy who married Alfonso Gallegos and Mary Ortega who died in Feb. 2012. Fred Korte will be remembered as an uncle to many which includes nephews and nieces, Stanley and Linda Korte, Albuquerque, Katy Korte Seattle, Wash., Lillian Korte Sacramento, Calif., Sylvia Korte Eatonville, Wash., Alvin Korte and wife Marie, Yvonne Korte and Henrietta (both deceased), Robert and Barbara Korte, Las Vegas, Jerry and Frances Korte, Nancy and Abe Silva, Albuquerque, Max and Ernest "Gene" Ortega Albuquerque; special nephews, Albert Ortega, Pete Ortega and David P. Escudero. One needs a special mention the Tony Gallegos family of Las Vegas and their children who were near neighbors and close to "Uncle Fred." There are numerous children of the nephews and nieces and their families that would expand the Korte and related families base and too numerous to be listed. Those who offered support and condolences are thanked.
You can to the family or in memory of Fred Korte.
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