Eric   Scott obituary

Eric Scott Obituary

Bronx, New York, United States

January 03, 1950 - November 08, 2023

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Eric   Scott obituary

Eric Scott Obituary

Jan 03, 1950 - Nov 08, 2023

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A life lived well.

Eric Scott

Born: January 3, 1950

Died: November 8, 2023

Location: Kingston, Jamaica

Eric Scott brought joy, laughter, and a sense of adventure to every moment of his 73 years on this earth. He was a loving husband, a caring father, and a cherished friend. Eric passed away peacefully on November 8, 2023, leaving behind a trail of happy memories.

Known for his infectious smile and warm personality, Eric had an incredible zest for life. He was always up for an adventure, whether it was exploring hidden gems in Jamaica or trying his hand at the latest dance trend. Eric firmly believed that age was just a number, and he embraced every opportunity to learn, explore, and chase after his dreams.

Eric's love for music was legendary. He could often be found humming a joyful tune or tapping his foot to the beat. His home was filled with the sweet sounds of his guitar, and he was always willing to share his passion by entertaining friends and family with impromptu performances. He believed that music had the power to heal, uplift, and unite people, and his own melodies brought a sense of harmony to all who knew him.

Eric's sense of humor was as contagious as his smile. His jokes, often punctuated by his signature chuckle, could make even the grumpiest soul crack a smile. He had a natural ability to find joy in the simplest of things, inspiring those around him to view life through a lighter lens.

As we bid farewell to Eric Scott, let us remember him for the wonderful soul he was. Let us celebrate his life by embracing laughter, cherishing family and friends, and living with the same passion and zest that Eric embodied. Though his presence may be missed, his spirit will forever remain in our hearts.

You can to the family or in memory of Eric Scott.



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