Elizabeth    Oyefeso  obituary

Elizabeth Oyefeso Obituary

Wichita, Kansas, United States

January 27, 1950 - June 27, 2023

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Elizabeth    Oyefeso  obituary

Elizabeth Oyefeso Obituary

Jan 27, 1950 - Jun 27, 2023

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“For everything exists and not one sigh nor smile nor tear, one hair nor particle of dust, not one can pass away.”

Obituary: Elizabeth Oyefeso (1950-2023)

Sadly, on June 27, 2023, Elizabeth Oyefeso bid farewell to the world, leaving behind a trail of laughter and an uncanny ability to bring joy to even the dullest of rooms. Born on January 27, 1950, in Wichita, Kansas, Elizabeth lived a life that was anything but ordinary.

Elizabeth, affectionately known as Lizzy by her close friends and family, was a force to be reckoned with. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a witty comeback always at the ready, she had a knack for livening up any gathering. Whether it was an impromptu dance party or a hilarious one-liner, Lizzy's presence was like a sprinkling of sunshine on even the rainiest of days.

Despite her undeniable charm and lively personality, Lizzy lived a relatively quiet and simple life. She dedicated her professional endeavors to nursing, working tirelessly to ensure the well-being of others. With her warm smile and compassionate nature, she touched countless lives, making a lasting impact on her patients and colleagues.

One might wonder how someone as spirited and adventurous as Lizzy found herself in the nursing profession. Well, it turns out that she had a secret past—she served in the Air Force! That's right, folks, this feisty lady had wings before she had a stethoscope. Though she never divulged the details of her military escapades, we can only imagine the mischief she got up to during her days in service.

Elizabeth was preceded in death by her loving parents, Lester and Frances, who no doubt passed on their quick wit and sense of humor to their delightful daughter. While Lizzy herself had no children, we can only speculate that her knack for laughter and her ability to effortlessly bring smiles to faces made her a favorite among her nieces, nephews, and extended family.

As Elizabeth Oyefeso reunites with her loved ones who have gone before her, we can't help but imagine the raucous laughter that will surely fill the heavens. Her legacy will be remembered not only for her incredible ability to brighten everyone's day but also for reminding us all to find joy in even the simplest of moments.

Rest in laughter and eternal mirth, dear Lizzy. You will forever be missed and forever be remembered.

You can to the family or in memory of Elizabeth Oyefeso .



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