Elaine  Parson obituary

Elaine Parson Obituary

Charleston, South Carolina, United States

January 01, 1950 - September 14, 2023

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Elaine  Parson obituary

Elaine Parson Obituary

Jan 01, 1950 - Sep 14, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Elaine Parson

Born: January 1, 1950

Died: September 14, 2023

Lived in Charleston, South Carolina, United States

In loving memory of Elaine Parson, who brought joy, laughter, and an unforgettable presence to our lives. She may have left us on September 14, 2023, but the memories she created with us will forever remain in our hearts.

Elaine was born on New Year's Day in 1950, beginning each year with a special sparkle. Growing up in the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina, she carried the charm and warmth of her hometown with her wherever she went.

Elaine was known for her infectious sense of humor and her ability to put a smile on anyone's face. We all have countless stories of her side-splitting jokes and hilarious antics, each leaving us in stitches. She had an incredible talent for bringing laughter into even the toughest of times, creating cherished memories that will live on forever.

A true social butterfly, Elaine had an extensive circle of friends who were drawn to her magnetic personality and zest for life. Her warm heart and inviting nature made her the life of every social gathering. Whether it was organizing neighborhood cookouts, dance parties, or game nights, Elaine knew how to bring people together and make everyone feel included.

An avid traveler, Elaine lived life with a curiosity that took her to new places and allowed her to explore different cultures. She would often regale us with stories of her adventures around the world, making us feel like we were right there with her.

Elaine's love for animals knew no bounds. Her beloved pets, including her adorable feline companion, Mr. Whiskers, were always by her side, providing comfort, companionship, and an endless source of entertainment. She had a special knack for connecting with animals and their unwavering loyalty was a testament to the love she gave them.

Elaine Parson will be deeply missed by her loving kids Rhonda Parson, Levar Brown and Elijah Brown and her grandkids Keyhonda Parsons, Kenneth Robinson, Elayja Brown and Levarai Brow, who are left with a void that can never be filled. But let us commemorate her life by remembering the joy she brought us, the laughter she shared, and the unconditional love she gave to all.

As we bid her farewell, let us celebrate Elaine for the incredible person she was, and hold dear the memories that will forever remind us of her vibrant spirit. May she find eternal peace in the heavens above, where she can continue to sprinkle her magic and light the way for all.

You can to the family or in memory of Elaine Parson.



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