Edward null Wheeler obituary

Edward Wheeler Obituary

lansing, Michigan, United States

January 13, 1930 - May 19, 2017

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Edward null Wheeler obituary

Edward Wheeler Obituary

Jan 13, 1930 - May 19, 2017

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Edward Allen WheelerEdward Allen Wheeler, passed away May 19, 2017 in Weslaco, Texas. Allen was born on January 13, 1930 to Edward Allen Wheeler Sr. and Rosella Merrill Wheeler in Detroit, Michigan. The family moved to Lansing when Allen was a baby. His family and schoolmates always called him Allen, but later, when he entered the working world, he became "Ed" and is known by that name to nearly everyone he has met in his adult life.Growing up near a golf course, he came to learn and love the game of golf, at which he was quite skillfull, and continued to play into his later years.One of Allen's proudest accomplishments, at the age of 19, he and a buddy took a trip to the western states, and while in Oregon, they climbed to the top of Mt. Hood. An unforgettable experience!Allen always had a passion for the wilderness, the outdoors he and his wife (Kathleen) made many summer fishing trips to various lakes and rivers in northern Canada. In recent years he has reminisced often about those trips, remarking that, we did not know how great those days were at the time.Allen's working years took several paths, but the final one was one he had wanted to do for years. Allen opened and operated his own food business. His franchise for Westside Deli was wildly successful and lasted for ten years, when the franchise expired. Then the restaurant changed its name to Frandor Deli, reflecting its location in the Frandor Shopping Mall in East Lansing, MI. Allen and Kathleen retired from their business in December of 1992 and became Winter Texans, traveling and living in their motorhome.Allen was a lifetime Mason of 61 years, and Past Master of the Lodge in Donna, TX.Allen is survived by Kathleen, his wife of 52 years; son John A. Wheeler, step-daughters Laura Schmidt (Randy), Maureen Parmenter, and step-sons Daniel Parmenter (Patti), Robert Decker (Marjorie), and his sister, Virginia Draper.Allen was predeceased by step-son Timothy Decker.
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