Davel  Henderson obituary

Davel Henderson Obituary

Miami, Florida, United States

July 26, 1967 - August 26, 2023

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Davel  Henderson obituary

Davel Henderson Obituary

Jul 26, 1967 - Aug 26, 2023

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It is with great sadness and even greater laughter that we announce the passing of Davel Henderson, resident clown, practical joker, and all-around fun guy. Born on July 26, 1967, in Miami, Florida, Davel knew how to turn even the most solemn occasions into a roaring laughter riot. And with his unexpected and untimely departure on August 26, 2023, we can only imagine the pranks he has in store for St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

Davel, lovingly referred to as the Chief of Hilarity by his friends, was the son of Jameson and Paula Henderson. He inherited his quick wit and infectious humor from his parents, who were responsible for countless side-splitting family gatherings. Whether it was inventing outrageous backyard games or organizing epic water-balloon fights, the Henderson household was always filled with laughter, thanks to Davel's mischievous genius.

In the year 2000, Davel's life took an unexpected turn when he met the love of his life, Ella Mae Larrell. Little did she know that along with marrying Davel, she was also marrying his pranks, jokes, and endless laughter. Ella Mae was a great sport and the perfect match for Davel's wild sense of humor.

Their shared laughter resulted in the birth of their pride and joy, Gabby Henderson. Gabby, like her dad, had an inherent ability to find humor in the most mundane situations. She will forever cherish the memories of countless family game nights, inside jokes, and the joyous chaos her father brought to their lives.

Davel was a natural entertainer and brought smiles to the faces of anyone he crossed paths with. From his elaborate Halloween costumes that left everyone in stitches to his legendary prank phone calls that would confuse the most unflappable souls, Davel was a master of comic timing.

He could turn even the most solemn occasions into a carnival. At weddings, he'd don a shark costume and jump out from under the cake table, always getting the best reaction shots. Whenever a serious discussion arose among friends, Davel could be counted on to break the ice with a perfectly timed fart noise or a strategically placed whoopee cushion.

While we mourn the loss of Davel's infectious laughter and his knack for surprising us when we least expected it, we know that he would want us to continue embracing the joy and the hilarious chaos that he brought into our lives.

So, as we celebrate the life of Davel Henderson, let us remember to pause and appreciate the silly, the unexpected, and the absurd. Let us honor his memory by spreading laughter wherever we go and carrying his mischievous spirit within us.

In lieu of sending flowers or condolences, Davel's family kindly requests that you pass on a joke or a prank to someone who could use a good laugh. Remember, laughter is the legacy that lives on.

You can to the family or in memory of Davel Henderson.


Funeral Details:
September 03, 2023
Hadley Davis funeral home, 2131 nw 62nd st, Miami fl 33010



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