Chris Luis Rodriguez obituary

Chris Luis Rodriguez Obituary

Millville, New Jersey, United States

January 06, 1976 - September 11, 2023

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Chris Luis Rodriguez obituary

Chris Luis Rodriguez Obituary

Jan 06, 1976 - Sep 11, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

An Angel Called Home !!

Chris Rodriguez, born on January 6, 1976, embarked on his final adventure on September 11, 2023. He leaves behind a legacy filled with laughter, love, and an unmatched zest for life.

Born to the proud parents Angel Rodriguez Sr. and Mable Rodriguez, Chris was the embodiment of joy and mischief from an early age. His infectious smile and mischievous spirit brightened the lives of all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

Chris spent his formative years at Millville High School, where he made lasting friendships and created countless memories. Graduating in 2000, he showcased his unparalleled enthusiasm for life, quickly becoming known as the class clown – always ready with a quick-witted joke or a cheeky remark to brighten the mood.

Throughout his life, Chris had an unwavering passion for exploring the unknown and embracing adventure. Whether it was backpacking through picturesque landscapes, jumping out of planes with a parachute (because why not?), or simply trying every flavor at the local ice cream parlor in one sitting, Chris lived life to the fullest.

His magnetic personality attracted countless friends and admirers who cherished his ability to find joy in the simplest of things. He had a knack for making people laugh, and his infectious laughter filled every room he entered.

Though Chris did not have children of his own, he shared a special bond with his friends and family that will forever be cherished. He was the ultimate cool uncle, always ready to impart wisdom and entertain the little ones with his repertoire of silly tricks and crazy stories.

In his free time, Chris loved to indulge in his hobbies, which included fishing, photography, and attempting to master the art of gourmet cooking (he did make a mean scrambled egg, in his own unique way).

Chris Rodriguez will be fondly remembered as the life of the party, the prankster with a heart of gold, and the dear friend who brought sunshine into the lives of those around him. While he may have departed too soon, his spirit will continue to shine bright, reminding us all to embrace life with a twinkle in our eyes and a belly full of laughter.

Rest in paradise, Chris. May your adventures continue in the heavenly realms, and may your laughter echo in our hearts forever.

You can to the family or in memory of Chris Rodriguez.


Funeral Details:
September 29, 2023
Central Baptist Church, 9 N 2nd street, Millville NJ



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