Carol Yvonne West obituary

Carol Yvonne West Obituary

Sacramento, California, United States

November 24, 1943 - June 17, 2023

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Carol Yvonne West obituary

Carol Yvonne West Obituary

Nov 24, 1943 - Jun 17, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

A Life to Remember

Carol West

(November 24, 1943 - June 17, 2023)

Sacramento, California, United States

The world has lost an extraordinary soul with the passing of Carol West, who transitioned from this life on June 17, 2023, in Sacramento, California. Born on November 24, 1943, Carol graced this earth with an indomitable spirit and a heart full of compassion.

Throughout her long and fulfilling journey, Carol touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving an indelible mark on all who found themselves fortunate enough to know her. She radiated warmth, kindness, and an infectious enthusiasm that inspired those around her.

Carol's unwavering dedication to philanthropy and the pursuit of social justice was an inspiration to all. Her passion for making a positive difference in the world led her to champion various causes, from advocating for equal rights to actively participating in community initiatives. She was a true advocate for change, never hesitating to lend a helping hand or fight for what she believed in.

Her love for art and literature was evident to anyone who had the privilege of engaging with her. Carol's home was adorned with books from floor to ceiling, each one representing a new world to explore, a new perspective to understand. Her love for the written word was only rivaled by her adoration for art, which she would often immerse herself in, translating emotions onto canvas with every brushstroke. She leaves behind a collection of works that will forever be treasured.

Family was a cornerstone of Carol's life, and the love she had for her children and grandchildren was unparalleled. She created a nurturing and supportive environment that allowed her loved ones to flourish and thrive. Her home was always a hub of love, laughter, and delicious homemade meals. Memories of gathering around the dinner table, sharing stories and creating new ones, will forever be cherished.

In her free time, Carol could often be found in her garden, tending to her beloved flowers as they bloomed and flourished under her care. The bursts of vibrant colors and sweet fragrances mirrored her zest for life, serving as a reminder of her enduring spirit.

With her passing, Carol leaves behind a legacy that will continue to inspire and uplift future generations. Her unwavering commitment to compassion, justice, and creativity will forever be a guiding light for us all.

Carol West's departure leaves a void that cannot be filled, but we find solace in the knowledge that her impact on this world will continue to ripple through the lives of those she touched. May her soul find eternal peace.

You can to the family or in memory of Carol West.



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