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Andrea   Rodriguez  obituary

Andrea Rodriguez Obituary

New York, New York, United States

February 27, 1956 - August 07, 2023

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Andrea   Rodriguez  obituary

Andrea Rodriguez Obituary

Feb 27, 1956 - Aug 07, 2023

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💜Lived laughed and loved💜

It is with an unexpectedly heavy heart that we announce the passing of Andrea Rodriguez on August 7, 2023, in her beloved hometown of New York City, New York! 

Andrea Rodriguez, to most of us known as Cookie, was born on February 27, 1956. Andrea was the loving daughter of Isidoro Rodriguez and Carmen Torres. Andrea was a vivacious mother to her only two very special daughters, Selina Tricoche and Sonia Yvette Tricoche, which she loved and adored uniquely. 

Andrea remained active in her role as a mother and was always there through every up and down.  Her love and dedication to her children knew no bounds and she always led with a forgiving heart. 

Andrea was blessed with the joy of being a grandmother to nine beautiful grandchildren, Eric, Avyon, Taveon, Dereon, Nyaleyah, Dae'Cion, Daphne, Eternity and Knowledge.  

The love she had for them was immeasurable, and she took great delight in watching them grow and thrive. Her grandchildren brought immense joy to her life, and she adored them with all her heart.

Andrea was also a sibling to 3 brothers and 3 sisters, Yolanda, Rita, Jesus, Wanda and Freddy. Andrea has joined her deceased brother,Carlos. Andrea also leaves behind countless nieces and nephews who love her very dearly. 

Professionally, Andrea worked as a Foster Parent and Child Care Provider, touching the lives of children who were fortunate enough to be under her care. Her nature and compassion made her the perfect candidate for this selfless profession. 

Andrea Rodriguez was a kind-hearted woman with a radiant smile that could light up any room and a laughter that came from the soul.  She had a gentle, but spicy spirit and, a warm but direct presence. Her genuine nature endeared her to all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Andrea's passing leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew and loved her. Her memory will forever be etched in the minds of her family and friends. She will be remembered for her contagious laughter, her love and generosity, not to forget her unwavering commitment to her loved ones.

As we mourn the loss of Andrea, let us also celebrate her life and the tremendous impact she had on the lives of those around her. May her legacy of love, kindness and dedication serve as a constant reminder of the extraordinary person she was.

May Andrea, aka Cookie forever live in our hearts 💕.

You can to the family or in memory of Andrea Rodriguez .


Funeral Details:
3PM - 7PM
August 20, 2023



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