Aunt Cleo passed away peacefully in her sleep due to heart complcations at the age of 74 years old - she was born on april 18. 1945 in sweet port louiseana and resided in las vegas nevada at the time of passing -cleo was the 8th child of 10 children born to jake and susie malone -who has preseeded in death along with 3 sisters - argie malone, louise williams, ethal lee boone , and 4 brothers, lonnie malone, billy ray. lewis malone, and charles malone of whom she was his twin
cleo is survied by life long partner Al hudson, and her biological son , Lester Malone, also john buckely whom she mother three of his chrildren -alphonso buckley, michelle buckely , and debra johnson (decesed) -also Harold Beene , who she married and spent the first part of her life with -she is also survied by her older brother Price Malone Sr. and her youngest sister Bernice kindrick
she was blessed with 11 grandkids, Deondrea Malone, chris blanks-malone ,demtris malone, rtwan malone, utnan malone bregame malone yuancay malond laderrick malone, basha brent-malone, deshawn malone, matthew talks- malone,and 4 great grandkids, mercy malone , dayson malone ,alona louis, tliaha louis, and a host of neices and nephews and friends
cleo went and graduated from rosevelt high school, in west los angeles ca, a pioneer of education she studied at west valley occupational center and got her licsent as nursing as an LVN, studied at the university of california riversde, Vcr
for those that knew her - cleo loved riding moter cycles, and was even in a motercycle club call the fugitives, in pacoima,california when growing up - she was called Lady Fugitive
cleo was loved by many, she was one of the many pillars in he family , cleo loved life , she show this every time you saw her beautiful smile ,
cleo was devoted to the lord , she never forgot her roots in serving god, she was a streight forwad person, never held back in sharing her mind so as to keep a person on the right track , she was really a staple of the malone family, she will truely be missed ,