Anita C. Wilson Obituary
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
February 07, 1965 - May 14, 2020
You can to the family or in memory of Anita Wilson.
Celebration of Life, In Memory of Anita C. Wilson Details:
May 26, 2020
Williams & Bluitt Funeral Home, 5252 E. 38TH STREET, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA
Details: Our early expectations(Subject to changes)
Pall Bearers:
William E. Wilson Jr
Edward L. Wilson
Billy G. Wilson
Anthony L. Brooks
Gregory T. Wilson
Leroy T. Wilson
Flower Bearers:
Erica Small
Shante Bowie
Diamond Kennedy
Alexis Kennedy
Whitney Wilson
Britany Shelby
Please remember that social distancing will be in effect. The Grave site will permit a small gatherings of immediate family at the burial spot for a prayer and then it ends. We get back into our vehicles and exit the cemetery. Respectfully stay in your vehicles and drive it around the cemetery and exit past the burial. Thank you all in advance.
Burial Details:
May 26, 2020
Sutherland Park Cemetery, 4140 Millersville Rd, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Details: Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic the order of service will be shortened as much as possible. The following order is subject to changes, and is only the initial expected order of services:
Selection: Pastor Gloria Boards
Scripture from Old Testament: Pastor Gloria Bonds
Scripture from New Testament: Pastor Gloria Bonds
Words of Comfort: Pastor Gloria Bonds
Acknowledgements: Pastor Gloria Bonds
Due to Covid 19, the logistics of the repast are still being looked at. Because we want everyone to remain healthy, social distancing remains a huge concern. Beyond the mandate that everyone exercise caution by wearing a face mask and disposable gloves, we also believe that meal be received and taken, rather than eating it inside. This ensures that social distancing is maintained.
Thank you all in advance for your understanding, prayers and all acts of kindness shown at this time of bereavement. The family appreciates it. Thank you.