Velton Abney, 43, of Detroit, Michigan, passed Tuesday, January 07, 2020. Velton was born March 06, 1976 to proud parent Mr & Mrs Vincent Abney. velton A.K.A V atttended many different Detroit High Schools ultmately leadin him to a valid High School Diploma. Velton also faithfully attended Wayne Count Community College where he was stuying Business Mnagement, which if not for his passing would of lead him to a Degree. Velton (V)was called to the lord on January 9,2020 due to health problems. Velton (V) leaves behind a host of uncles aunts god children and many many friends and family.Also Hurtfully morning the passing of his best friend and londtime roomate B.C.and his dad Vencent.
john 3:16 For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only SON that whoever "BELIVES in Him should not perish but have everlasting LIFE......
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